Fred Hotels Zürich
About Fred Hotels Zürich
Education is the key to the future – but what if learning difficulties block the way? The Fred Tschanz Foundation provides children from lower-income households with access to much-needed support.
Whether it’s trouble with math or hurdles in reading and writing, school difficulties often don’t stay in the classroom. In some cases, they shape a child’s future or become beliefs that affect their entire life. When the academic development of children or adolescents is impaired, support is needed. In collaboration with the School Psychological Service of the City of Zurich, the Fred Tschanz Foundation enables children from low-income families to access necessary support.
Lorenz Lunin has been working closely with the Fred Tschanz Foundation as a school psychologist for years and knows how important this support is. In his work, he supports parents, teachers, or the child themselves when problems in academic development arise. «When a child comes to us, there are usually legitimate concerns behind it. The impairments and problems are diverse. They can be related to developmental disorders or appear in the social or emotional area, for example in the form of anxiety or pronounced learning difficulties, such as acquiring basic skills like reading or basic math.»
First, Lorenz Lunin, together with those involved, gets a comprehensive picture of the situation – not only problems but also available resources are identified. The goal is to open up new perspectives and create actionable solutions. «Then we develop solutions together with the child, the parents, and those involved in the school.» The offer of the School Psychological Service is free of charge but does not include further measures such as therapies. «In the case of learning disorders, learning therapy is often a central component of the support process», explains the school psychologist. But these therapies are expensive. «Not every family can afford the necessary support», says Lorenz Lunin.
The collaboration has been running smoothly and with great goodwill for years. I am very grateful to the Fred Tschanz Foundation.
Lorenz Lunin
School Psychologist
In such cases, Lorenz Lunin submits a support application to the Fred Tschanz Foundation, which helps whenever possible. «The exchange is always quick and straightforward. This help is invaluable to us. The collaboration has been running smoothly and with great goodwill for years. I am very grateful to the Fred Tschanz Foundation», says Lorenz Lunin. However, it is important that parents, if possible, also contribute a small amount. «This is also a sign for us that the parents are on board.»
The school psychologist has often witnessed how important this help is. He recalls a case of a girl who had great difficulties with basic math skills when entering secondary school – even though the intellectual capacity. «She was desperate because she couldn’t cope with the pressure at school and the demands of future training and even said she felt stupid», says Lorenz Lunin.
Thanks to the Fred Tschanz Foundation, she was able to attend the necessary learning therapy,” says the school psychologist. «In therapy, she learned in a supportive environment. Here she was supported according to her learning level and could – without being ashamed – overcome deficits.» Through measurable learning success, her mathematic skills, such as mastering basic operations, were systematically built up. «This boosted her self-confidence and she found an apprenticeship in a demanding profession, which permanently improved her self-esteem.»
«There always families who write us letters expressing their gratitude.»
These positive experiences are not only important for primary school: «Learning difficulties quickly become internalized beliefs like ‹I am stupid› or ‹I am worthless›.» Therefore, support at the earliest possible stage is so important. «If such impairments are not addressed in primary school, they remain in secondary school and can also cause difficulties in future professional life», explains Lorenz Lunin.
The work of the Fred Tschanz Foundation helps children and adolescents regain confidence in their abilities despite difficult starting conditions. «There are families who write us grateful letters again and again», says the psychologist. The collaboration between the Fred Tschanz Foundation and the School Psychological Service shows how targeted support can build bridges – towards a future where every child can reach their full potential.
We receive more applications than we can finance. With a donation, you enable more children to benefit from our support. We look forward to a personal exchange and are happy to provide further information.
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IBAN CH31 0070 0110 0003 1704 9 Fred Tschanz Stiftung c/o Fred Tschanz Konradstrasse 13 8005 Zürich
Contact Person
+41 44 267 47 67