Fred Hotels Zürich
About Fred Hotels Zürich
News Odeon
ODEON is winning the hearts of Zurich residents and newcomers alike: Recently, we were recommended as an insider tip on the show «Taff» on ProSieben.
It's no secret that our favorite city is - at least in our opinion - the best city in the world. But why exactly is everyone so in love with Zurich? The TV show «Taff» from the German broadcaster ProSieben recently dedicated a segment to this question. In it, Franzi Maichle, who moved here from Germany, shows her favorite spots in the city. And right at the beginning, the Zurich ambassador presents her favorite café: the ODEON. «The café bar is one of the oldest cafés in Europe, once a meeting place for greats such as Albert Einstein - and now a cult spot!» she says in the segment.
That's right! They all stopped by at the ODEON: dazzling personalities from the worlds of art, culture, science and politics - from Einstein to Lenin and from Kurt Tucholsky to James Joyce. We are delighted about being mentioned in German TV! And we look forward all the more to welcoming new and familiar faces and continuing to write the history of the ODEON together.